Hoodie of El Santo mexican wrestling fighter

Hoodie of El Santo mexican wrestling fighter

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 "Lo que más me encanta es la reacción de las personas cuando la ven. He recibido un montón de elogios y preguntas sobre dónde la conseguí. Sin duda, esta sudadera es un punto de conversación y un homenaje perfecto a El Santo." Ruben

If you want to look like a Mexican wrestling legend, then you need this El Santo sweatshirt! Discover the garment that pays tribute to one of the most emblematic wrestlers of all time.


Why choose this El Santo hoodie?

Unmatched quality: Made with premium materials for exceptional durability.

Authentic design: Every detail is designed to capture the essence of El Santo and his wrestling legacy.

Perfect gift: Surprise a loved one who is a wrestling fan with a unique and meaningful gift.

Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of Mexican wrestling history, buy your El Santo sweatshirt today and carry his spirit with you everywhere you go! Take advantage of our limited time special offer.

Get yours now and join the legion of fans paying tribute to the silver masked man!


  • With Hat
  • Kangaroo front bag
  • 100% polyester plush fabric
  • Sleeves, hat and back in black fabric
  • Hand or machine wash
  • Dry lying in the shade
  • Made in Mexico
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Hoodie of El Santo mexican wrestling fighter

 "Lo que más me encanta es la reacción de las personas cuando la ven. He recibido un montón de elogios y preguntas sobre dónde la conseguí. Sin duda, esta sudadera es un punto de conversación y un homenaje perfecto a El Santo." Ruben

If you want to look like a Mexican wrestling legend, then you need this El Santo sweatshirt! Discover the garment that pays tribute to one of the most emblematic wrestlers of all time.

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